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In October 2016, CheerMAD joined parents, athletes and coaches in the first Male Cheerleading Forum in Dallas, Texas which sparked new momentum to the serious widespread problems of bullying.


Led by industry leaders Billy Roy Smith and Justin Carrier, real, honest talk was touching and at the same time powerful. This empowerment has been channeled into the VICTIM FREE ZONE which includes resources, social media and mentors for all cheerleaders to access when they are brought to the dark place of being bullied and the often accompanying suicidal thoughts.



As an athlete you may suspect someone else is being bullied. If you are not quite sure, review these common signs to help you recognize if bullying is occurring. The person may:


  • Come home with torn, damaged, or missing pieces of clothing, books, or other belongings

  • Have unexplained cuts, bruises, and scratches from fighting

  • Have few, if any, friends with whom he or she spends time

  • Seem afraid of going to school, walking to and from school, riding the school bus, or taking part in organized activities with peers (such as clubs or sports)

  • Take a long, “illogical” route when walking to or from school

  • Lose interest in school work or suddenly begin to do poorly in school

  • Appear sad, moody, teary, or depressed when he or she comes home

  • Complain frequently of headaches, stomachaches, or other physical problems

  • Have trouble sleeping or frequent bad dreams

  • Experience a loss of appetite

  • Appear anxious and suffer from low self-esteem

Call 1-800-273-8255 fOR HELP

Bullying can affect you in many ways. You may lose sleep or feel sick. You may want to skip school. You may even be thinking about suicide. If you are feeling hopeless or helpless or know someone that is, please call the LIFELINE at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) .


Take a picture in the Victims No More pose (seen below) and post it with #VICTIMFREEZONE 

Instagram: cheer_mad

Twitter: @cheermads 


Join the closed Facebook groups at CheerMAD Victim Free Zone for Male Cheerleaders or the page for female cheerleaders.


There's one for parents too so tell everyone about it! 

Two fingers held in a "V" formation, index finger of the other hand crosses it out, cheerleaders, coaches and parents say they will be

"Victims No More" 





Help your child deal with bullying by talking to teachers, administrators, and staff and by taking advantage of the following resources (files are downloadable PDFs):

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